Faut-il utiliser les Zones ou Ldoms ?

Récemment (en particulier depuis la publication de SPARC T4) et compte tenu des possibilités de virtualisation offertes par Zones et Ldoms nous pouvons nous demander vers où aller, Zones ou LDoms. ?

Bien sûr, on ne peut pas répondre à cette question sans parler des exigences de plate-forme et des raisons pour prendre les bonnes technologies, mais avant que nous allions dans les détails voici un bref rappel sur ces deux technologies :

Zones et LDoms ne sont pas rivales en soit, mais des technologies complémentaires. Si vous avez besoin de séparation au niveau du noyau, utilisez LDoms.Vous pourrez toujours de toute façon exécuter vos applications dans des zones au sein de ces LDoms!

Petits points de terminologie :

  • LDOM est maintenant appelé Oracle VM pour SPARC.
  • Les zones ont commencé leur vie en tant que projet Kevlar, alors nommé zones, puis commercialisé en tant que Containers, nous sommes maintenant de retour à des Zones.
  • LDOM est une technologie de virtualisation HW sur SPARC T (CMT, ChipMultiThreading, Coolthread, sun4v, etc), cela est du à la capacité de sparc à multithreader ses processors parfaitement adaptée dans Logical Domains. De plus LDom s’exécute de l’hyperviseur.
  • Zones est le poids plume OS-technologie de virtualisation de Solaris sur toutes les plateformes (Sparc-T, Sparc et x86-M)
  • Chaque installation de l’OS Solaris dispose d’une zone, la zone globale (GZ).


Maintenant, pourquoi voudriez-vous utiliser les zones?


  • Principe de conteneurs: Ils séparer proprement vos applications les unes des autres, par le maintien d’un ensemble distinct de packages Solaris, de leurs ressources CPU dédiés, de leur pile IP, des systèmes de fichiers , etc
  • Architecture OS propre: Vous ne pourrez pas « salir » votre installation de l’OS dans la GZ fonctionnant sur le HW avec des paquets supplémentaires et une configurations spécifiques aux applicatifs que vous souhaitez faire tourner dessus. La GZ gère les ressources entre les zones, lance le noyau, dirige l’ensemble des zones, gère les périphériques, etc . A côté de ça les NGZs (zones non globales) exécute les applications.
  • Flexibilité: Vous pouvez tout simplement détacher une zone de la GZ et l’attacher à une autre GZ sur une autre machine, y compris l’application. Vous pouvez facilement cloner des zones.
  • Sécurité: Si une NGZ était compromis en terme d’intrusion ou de sécurité, l’attaquant ne peut pas déranger le GZ, ou les applications qui s’exécutent dans d’autres NGZs.
  • Gestion des ressources: Vous pouvez allouer un montant garanti de CPU dans une zone tout en permettant à chaque zone de pouvoir utiliser plus que le montant qui lui est dédié.


Et quelles sont les raisons d’utiliser LDOM?


La séparation au niveau du noyau:

  • Vous pouvez exécuter différentes mises à jour de Solaris 10 par OS virtualisé.
  • Vous pouvez exécuter Solaris 10 et Solaris 11 juste à côté de l’autre.

Migrer vos OS:

  • Vous ne pouvez pas faire de migration en live avec Zone

Certains de vos applications pourraient avoir besoin pour s’exécuter dans la GZ, et que vous n’aimez pas l’idée de lancer des applications à la fois dans le GZ et son NGZ dans le même temps, donc vous les séparer en LDoms.

Vous avez besoin de réduire le nombre de CPU virtuels dans un OS pour des questions de licence. LDOM est maintenant reconnus comme hardpartitioners par Oracle.




Comme vous le voyez ces deux technologies satisfont à des exigences différentes, ils sont dans des niveaux différents, LDoms est une virtualisation hardware et les zones sont des conteneurs d’applications dans un même OS, on pourrait parlé ici de virtualisation applicative.

Pour résumer la question n’a pas lieu d’être entre zones et LDoms. Utilisez les zones et les Ldoms selon votre besoin réel.

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La commande dladm est utilisé pour gérer les cartes réseaux en parallèle avec ifconfig. Son nom vient de Data Link Administration.

dladm permet de voir plus profondément les paramètres des liens de données (« Data Link ») que ifconfig. On peut utiliser dladm pour faire des aggrégation de lien, configurer des ponts et afficher des statistiques sur les interfaces.

Très utilisé par les administrateurs systèmes Solaris vous retrouverez dans la partie « Exemple » la liste des options les plus utilisées avec cette commande.

La commande a quelques peu évoluée sur la version 11 de Solaris. En effet, par exemple show-dev n’existe plus vous devez utiliser à la place show-phys. Tous mes exemples sont tirés d’ailleurs de Solaris 11.


Afficher les états des interfaces réseaux :

root@solaris:~# dladm show-phys
LINK         MEDIA                STATE      SPEED  DUPLEX    DEVICE
e1000g0      Ethernet             up         1000   full      e1000g0

Afficher les états des liens :

dladm show-link LINK        CLASS     MTU    STATE    BRIDGE     OVER
e1000g0     phys      1500   up       --         --

Afficher quelques statistiques réseaux des liens :

dladm show-link -s LINK           IPACKETS  RBYTES  IERRORS   OPACKETS    OBYTES      OERRORS
e1000g0        6707      904846  0         1087        171490      0

Afficher des statistiques en temps réel sur un lien, -i pour le nombre de seconde :

dladm show-link -s -i 5 e1000g0
e1000g0        6779      911065  0         1101        173192      0
e1000g0        4         328     0         1           258         0
e1000g0        8         682     0         2           304         0
e1000g0        12        1773    0         1           178         0
e1000g0        10        1620    0         1           178         0
e1000g0        3         674     0         1           178         0
e1000g0        10        1290    0         1           178         0
e1000g0        5         375     0         1           178         0

Man Solaris de la commande svcadm

System Administration Commands                          dladm(1M)

     dladm - administer data links

     dladm show-link [-P] [-s [-i interval]] [[-p] -o field[,...]] [link]
     dladm rename-link [-R root-dir] link new-link

     dladm delete-phys phys-link
     dladm show-phys [-P] [-m] [[-p] -o field[,...]] [-H] [phys-link]

     dladm create-aggr [-t] [-R root-dir] [-P policy] [-L mode]
          [-T time] [-u address] -l ether-link1 [-l ether-link2...] aggr-link
     dladm modify-aggr [-t] [-R root-dir] [-P policy] [-L mode]
          [-T time] [-u address] aggr-link
     dladm delete-aggr [-t] [-R root-dir] aggr-link
     dladm add-aggr [-t] [-R root-dir] -l ether-link1 [-l ether-link2...]
     dladm remove-aggr [-t] [-R root-dir] -l ether-link1 [-l ether-link2...]
     dladm show-aggr [-PLx] [-s [-i interval]] [[-p] -o field[,...]]

     dladm create-bridge [-P protect] [-R root-dir] [-p priority]
          [-m max-age] [-h hello-time] [-d forward-delay] [-f force-protocol]
          [-l link...] bridge-name
     dladm modify-bridge [-P protect] [-R root-dir] [-p priority]
          [-m max-age] [-h hello-time] [-d forward-delay] [-f force-protocol]
     dladm delete-bridge [-R root-dir] bridge-name
     dladm add-bridge [-R root-dir] -l link [-l link...]bridge-name
     dladm remove-bridge [-R root-dir] -l link [-l link...] bridge-name
     dladm show-bridge [-flt] [-s [-i interval]] [[-p] -o field,...]
     dladm create-vlan [-ft] [-R root-dir] -l ether-link -v vid [vlan-link]
     dladm delete-vlan [-t] [-R root-dir] vlan-link
     dladm show-vlan [-P] [[-p] -o field[,...]] [vlan-link]

     dladm scan-wifi [[-p] -o field[,...]] [wifi-link]
     dladm connect-wifi [-e essid] [-i bssid] [-k key,...]
          [-s none | wep | wpa ] [-a open | shared] [-b bss | ibss] [-c]
          [-m a | b | g | n ] [-T time] [wifi-link]
     dladm disconnect-wifi [-a] [wifi-link]
     dladm show-wifi [[-p] -o field[,...]] [wifi-link]
     dladm show-ether [-x] [[-p] -o field[,...]] [ether-link]

     dladm set-linkprop [-t] [-R root-dir] -p prop=value[,...] link
     dladm reset-linkprop [-t] [-R root-dir] [-p prop[,...]] link
     dladm show-linkprop [-P] [[-c] -o field[,...]] [-p prop[,...]] [link]

     dladm create-secobj [-t] [-R root-dir] [-f file] -c class secobj
     dladm delete-secobj [-t] [-R root-dir] secobj[,...]
     dladm show-secobj [-P] [[-p] -o field[,...]] [secobj,...]

     dladm create-vnic [-t] -l link [-R root-dir] [-m value | auto |
          {factory [-n slot-identifier]} | {vrrp -A {inet | inet6} -V vrid}
          | {random [-r prefix]}] [-v vlan-id] [-p prop=value[,...]] vnic-link
     dladm delete-vnic [-t] [-R root-dir] vnic-link
     dladm show-vnic [-pP] [-s [-i interval]] [-o field[,...]]
          [-l link] [vnic-link]

     dladm create-etherstub [-t] [-R root-dir] etherstub
     dladm delete-etherstub [-t] [-R root-dir] etherstub
     dladm show-etherstub [etherstub]

     dladm create-iptun [-t] [-R root-dir] -T type [-a {local|remote}=addr,...]
     dladm modify-iptun [-t] [-R root-dir] -a {local|remote}=addr,...
     dladm delete-iptun [-t] [-R root-dir] iptun-link
     dladm show-iptun [-P] [[-p] -o field[,...]] [iptun-link]

     dladm create-part [-t] [-f] -l ib-link [-R root-dir] -P pkey
          [-p prop=value[,...]] part-link
     dladm delete-part [-t] [-R root-dir] part-link
     dladm show-part [-pP] [-o field[,...]] [-l ib-link]  [part-link]

     dladm show-ib [-pP] [-o field[,...]] [ib-link]

     dladm show-usage [-a] -f filename [-p plotfile -F format] [-s time]
          [-e time] [link]

     The dladm command is used to administer data-links. A  data-
     link  is  represented  in  the system as a STREAMS DLPI (v2)
     interface which can be plumbed under protocol stacks such as
     TCP/IP.  Each  data-link  relies  on either a single network
     device or an aggregation of devices to send  packets  to  or
     receive packets from a network.

     Each dladm subcommand  operates  on  one  of  the  following


         A datalink, identified by a name. In general,  the  name
         can  use any alphanumeric characters (or the underscore,
         _), but must start with an alphabetic character and  end
         with a number. A datalink name can be at most 31 charac-
         ters, and the  ending  number  must  be  between  0  and
         4294967294 (inclusive). The ending number must not begin
         with a zero. Datalink names between 3 and  8  characters
         are recommended.

         Some  subcommands  operate  only  on  certain  types  or
         classes  of  datalinks.  For  those cases, the following
         object names are used:


             An aggregation datalink (or a key; see NOTES).


             A physical Ethernet datalink.


             An IP tunnel link.


             An InfiniBand (IB) partition data link.


             A physical datalink.


             A VLAN datalink.

             A virtual network interface created on a link or  an
             etherstub. It is a pseudo device that can be treated
             as if  it  were  an  network  interface  card  on  a


             A WiFi datalink.


         A bridge instance, identified  by  an  administratively-
         chosen  name.  The name may use any alphanumeric charac-
         ters or the underscore, _, but must start and  end  with
         an alphabetic character. A bridge name can be at most 31
         characters. The name default is  reserved,  as  are  all
         names starting with SUNW.

         Note that appending a zero (0) to a bridge name produces
         a valid link name, used for observability.


         A network  device,  identified  by  concatenation  of  a
         driver name and an instance number.


         An Ethernet stub can be used instead of a  physical  NIC
         to  create  VNICs.  VNICs  created  on an etherstub will
         appear to be connected through a virtual switch,  allow-
         ing complete virtual networks to be built without physi-
         cal hardware.

         An IB partition link created on a IB physical link.


         A secure  object,  identified  by  an  administratively-
         chosen  name.  The name can use any alphanumeric charac-
         ters, as well as underscore (_), period (.), and  hyphen
         (-). A secure object name can be at most 32 characters.

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Posted in Command by axel. No Comments

Solaris SPARC et la gestion de la virtualisation

Oracle Solaris SPARC a énormément évolué au fil des années au niveau de la virtualisation. Que ce soit au niveau d’un processus avec Solaris Container ou d’un os virtualisé avec Logical Domain on constate

Plusieurs types de technologies s’entremêle sur Solaris SPARC et il est parfois difficile de savoir à quel point ces technologies marchent entre elles aujourd’hui.

Les progrès en matière de virtualisation sous Solaris SPARC

Depuis la première version de Solaris 10 en 2005, Solaris Container  a pris des proportions incroyables et est la méthode la plus largement utilisée pour la virtualisation sur Solaris, en grande partie parce que cela fonctionne sur toute machine qui fonctionne sous Solaris 10 ou plus.

En 2006, Logical Domains (LDoms) ont été ajoutés et ont fait évoluer l’ensemble avec des améliorations sur les serveurs SPARC équipés de la technologie Chip Multi-Threading (CMT), dont la famille la plus récente est la famille SPARC T4.

La première augmentation significative de l’adoption de Logical Domains a débuté en 2008 avec l’introduction de serveurs basés sur le UltraSPARC T2 Plus, avec une hausse plus important par la suite en popularité en raison des progrès apportés pour les SPARC T3 et T4. La technologie que nous avons connu comme Logical Domains est maintenant appelé Oracle VM Server pour SPARC.

On a une très forte interopérabilité entre ZFS, Solaris Container et Oracle VM Server pour Sparc depuis Oracle Solaris 11

 Enterprise Manager Ops Center

La nouvelle version d’Ops Center dans Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c apporte beaucoup à la relation qu’il y a entre ces différents produits. En effet, avec Live Migration on peut maintenant centraliser la virtualisation de manière plus efficace notamment quand il y a de très nombreux container et qu’il faut savoir mixer entre les configurations de stockages sous ZFS et les serveurs virtuels avec Oracle VM Server pour Sparc.



Articles en relation:



La commande svcadm fait partie d’un ensemble de commande permettant de gérer les services Solaris. Celui-ci en est d’ailleurs le plus important car il permet par exemple d’activer ou de désactiver un service.

Indispensable pour les administrateurs systèmes Solaris cette commande a besoin des droits root pour pouvoir fonctionner correctement.


root@solaris:~# svcadm disable smtp
root@solaris:~# svcs smtp
STATE          STIME    FMRI
disabled        4:15:44 svc:/network/smtp:sendmail
root@solaris:~# svcadm enable smtp
root@solaris:~# svcs smtp
STATE          STIME    FMRI
online          4:15:55 svc:/network/smtp:sendmail


Man Solaris de la commande svcadm


System Administration Commands                         svcadm(1M)

 svcadm - manipulate service instances

 /usr/sbin/svcadm [-v] enable [-rst] {FMRI | pattern}...

 /usr/sbin/svcadm [-v] disable [-st] {FMRI | pattern}...

 /usr/sbin/svcadm [-v] restart {FMRI | pattern}...

 /usr/sbin/svcadm [-v] refresh {FMRI | pattern}...

 /usr/sbin/svcadm [-v] clear {FMRI | pattern}...

 /usr/sbin/svcadm [-v] mark [-It] instance_state
 {FMRI | pattern}...

 /usr/sbin/svcadm [-v] milestone [-d] milestone_FMRI

 svcadm issues requests for  actions  on  services  executing
 within the service management facility (see smf(5)). Actions
 for a service are carried out by its assigned  service  res-
 tarter  agent.  The  default service restarter is svc.startd
 (see svc.startd(1M)).

 The following options are supported:

 -v    Print actions verbosely to standard output.

 Common Operations
 The subcommands listed below are  used  during  the  typical
 administration of a service instance.

 For subcommands taking one or more operands, if the  operand
 specifies  a  service  (instead  of a service instance), and
 that service has only a single instance, svcadm operates  on
 that  instance.  If  an abbreviated FMRI (a fault management
 resource identifier) or pattern matches more than  one  ser-
 vice,  a  warning  message  is displayed and that operand is
ignored. See smf(5).

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 9 May 2008                    1

System Administration Commands                         svcadm(1M)

 In the case that the service has  more  than  one  instance,
 svcadm return a non-zero exit status.

 enable [-rst] {FMRI | pattern}. . .

 Enables the service instances specified by the operands.
 For  each  service instance, the assigned restarter will
 try to  bring  it  to  the  online  state.  This  action
 requires  permission  to  modify  the "general" property
 group of the service instance (see smf_security(5)).

 If the -r option is specified, svcadm enables each  ser-
 vice instance and recursively enables its dependencies.

 If the -s option is specified, svcadm enables each  ser-
 vice  instance  and then waits for each service instance
 to enter the  online  or  degraded  state.  svcadm  will
 return  early  if  it determines that the service cannot
 reach these states without administrator intervention.

 If  the  -t  option  is  specified,  svcadm  temporarily
 enables  each  service  instance.  Temporary enable only
 lasts until reboot. This action requires  permission  to
 modify  the  "restarter_actions"  property  group of the
 service  instance  (see  smf_security(5)).  By  default,
 enable is persistent across reboot.

 disable [-st] {FMRI | pattern}. . .

 Disables the service instance specified by the operands.
 For  each  service instance, the assigned restarter will
 try to bring it  to  the  disabled  state.  This  action
 requires  permission  to  modify  the "general" property
 group of the service instance (see smf_security(5)).

 If the -s option is specified, svcadm disables each ser-
 vice  instance  and then waits for each service instance
 to enter the disabled state. svcadm will return early if
 it  determines  that the service cannot reach this state
without administrator intervention.

 If the -t option is specified, svcadm  temporarily  dis-
 ables  each  service  instance.  Temporary  disable only
 lasts until reboot. This action requires  permission  to
 modify  the  "restarter_actions"  property  group of the
 service instance (see smf_security(5)). By default, dis-
 able is persistent across reboot.

 restart {FMRI | pattern}. . .

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 9 May 2008                    2

System Administration Commands                         svcadm(1M)

 Requests that the service  instances  specified  by  the
 operands  be  restarted. This action requires permission
 to modify the "restarter_actions" property group of  the
 service instance (see smf_security(5)).

 This subcommand can restart only those services that are
 in  the  online  or degraded states, as those states are
 defined in smf(5).

 refresh {FMRI | pattern}. . .

 For each service instance  specified  by  the  operands,
 requests   that   the   assigned  restarter  update  the
 service's running configuration snapshot with the values
 from  the  current  configuration.  Some of these values
 take  effect  immediately   (for   example,   dependency
 changes). Other values do not take effect until the next
 service restart. See the restarter and service  documen-
 tation for more information.

 If the service is managed by svc.startd(1M), the refresh
 method  will be invoked if it exists to request the ser-
 vice reread its own configuration. For other restarters,
 see the restarter documentation.

 This  action   requires   permission   to   modify   the
 "restarter_actions"   property   group  of  the  service
 instance (see smf_security(5)).

 clear {FMRI | pattern}. . .

 For each service instance specified by the operands,  if
 the  instance is in the maintenance state, signal to the
 assigned restarter that the service has  been  repaired.
 If  the  instance is in the degraded state, request that
 the assigned restarter take the service  to  the  online
 state.  This  action  requires  permission to modify the
 "restarter_actions"  property  group  of   the   service
 instance (see smf_security(5)).

 Exceptional Operations
 The following subcommands are used for  service  development
 and temporary administrative manipulation.

 mark [-It] instance_state {FMRI | pattern}. . .

 If instance_state is "maintenance", then for  each  ser-
 vice specified by the operands, svcadm requests that the
 assigned restarter place the service in the  maintenance

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 9 May 2008                    3

System Administration Commands                         svcadm(1M)

 state.  See  svc.startd(1M) and inetd(1M) for a detailed
 description of the actions taken for each restarter.

 If  instance_state  is  "degraded",  then  for  services
 specified  by  the  operands in the online state, svcadm
 requests that the restarters assigned  to  the  services
 move them into the degraded state.

 If the -I option is specified, the request is flagged as

 The -t option is only valid  for  maintenance  requests.
 When this option is specified, the request is flagged as
 temporary, and its effect will only last until the  next

 milestone [-d] milestone_FMRI

 If milestone_FMRI is the keyword  "none",  all  services
 other       than       the       master       restarter,
 svc:/system/svc/restarter:default, will  be  temporarily

 If milestone_FMRI is the keyword "all", temporary enable
 and disable requests for all services will be nullified.

 If milestone_FMRI is one of the following:


 then temporary enable and disable requests for the indi-
 cated  service  and all services it depends on (directly
 or indirectly) will be  nullified.  All  other  services
 will be temporarily disabled.

 Changing the system's current milestone with the  "mile-
 stone"  subcommand will not change the current run level
 of the system. To change the system's run level,  invoke
 /sbin/init directly.

 This  action   requires   permission   to   modify   the
 "options_ovr"       property      group      of      the
 svc:/system/svc/restarter:default service instance  (see

 The -d option immediately changes the milestone  to  the
 requested  milestone,  as  above. Additionally, it makes
 the specified  milestone  the  default  boot  milestone,

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 9 May 2008                    4

System Administration Commands                         svcadm(1M)

 which  persists  across reboot. The default milestone is
 defined by the options/milestone property on the  master
 restarter,  svc:/system/svc/restarter:default.  If  this
 property is absent, "all" is the  default.  This  action
 requires  permission  to  modify  the "options" property
 group of the  svc:/system/svc/restarter:default  service
 instance (see smf_security(5)).

 The following operands are supported:

FMRI       An FMRI that specifies  one  or  more  instances.
 FMRIs   can  be  abbreviated  by  specifying  the
 instance name, or the  trailing  portion  of  the
 service name. For example, given the FMRI:


 All the following are valid abbreviations:


 While the following are invalid:


 If the FMRI specifies a service, then the command
 applies  to all instances of that service. Abbre-
 viated forms of FMRIs are  unstable,  and  should
 not be used in scripts or other permanent tools.

 pattern    A pattern that is matched against  the  FMRIs  of
 service  instances  according  to  the "globbing"
 rules described by  fnmatch(5).  If  the  pattern
 does  not  begin  with  "svc:",  then  "svc:/" is

 If an abbreviated FMRI or pattern matches more than one ser-
 vice,  a  warning  message  is displayed and that operand is

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 9 May 2008                    5

System Administration Commands                         svcadm(1M)


 Example 1 Restarting a Service Instance

 The following command restarts the NFS server. The full FMRI
for      the      default      service      instance     is:

 However, you can abbreviate the full FMRI as follows:

 # svcadm restart nfs/server

 Example 2 Disabling the Standard HTTP Server

 The following command disables  the  standard  HTTP  server,
 using an abbreviated FMRI:

 $ svcadm disable http

 Example 3 Enabling an Instance and Its Dependent Instances

 The following command enables the foo:bar instance, and  all
 instances on which it depends:

 $ svcadm enable -r foo:bar

 Example 4 Synchronously enabling an instance

 The following command enables the foo:bar instance. The com-
 mand  will  not  return  until  the instance comes online or
 svcadm determines it is not possible for the service to come

 $ svcadm enable -s foo:bar

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 9 May 2008                    6

System Administration Commands                         svcadm(1M)

 Example 5 Restricting and Restoring the Running Services

 The following command restricts the running services to sin-
 gle user mode:

 # svcadm milestone milestone/single-user

 The following command restores the running services:

 # svcadm milestone all

 The following exit values are returned:

 0    Successful completion.

 1    A fatal error occurred. One or more error messages  are
 displayed on standard error.

 2    Invalid command line options were specified.

 3    svcadm determined that a service instance that  it  was
 waiting  for  could not reach the desired state without
 administrator intervention due to a  problem  with  the
 service instance itself.

 4    svcadm determined that a service instance that  it  was
 waiting  for  could not reach the desired state without
 administrator intervention due to a  problem  with  the
 service's dependencies.

 See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 9 May 2008                    7

System Administration Commands                         svcadm(1M)

 |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
 | Availability                | SUNWcs                      |
 | Interface Stability         | See below.                  |

 The interactive output is Uncommitted.  The  invocation  and
 non-interactive output are Committed.

 svcprop(1),  svcs(1),   inetd(1M),   init(1M),   svccfg(1M),
 svc.startd(1M),  libscf(3LIB),  contract(4),  attributes(5),
 smf(5), smf_security(5)

The amount of time svcadm will spend  waiting  for  services
 and their dependencies to change state is implicitly limited
 by their method timeouts. For example, a service  using  the
 default  restarter  whose start method hangs will be transi-
 tioned to the maintenance state when  its  timeout  expires.
 svcadm  will then consider it impossible for this service to
 come online without administrator intervention.

 Attempts to synchronously enable  a  service  which  depends
 (directly  or  indirectly)  on  a file may fail with an exit
 status indicating that dependencies are unsatisfied  if  the
 caller  does not have the privileges necessary to search the
 directory  containing  the  file.  This  limitation  may  be
 removed in a future Solaris release.

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 9 May 2008                    8

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La commande svccfg est une commande qui fait d’un ensemble de commande permettant de manipuler les services sur Solaris à côté par exemple de svcs et de svcadm. Cette commande permet de gérer les fichiers xml servant à définir le fonctionnement d’un service. En effet, dans /var/svc/manifest on trouve l’ensemble des fichiers xml définissant l’ensemble des services visible avec la commande svcs.

Avec svccfg on peut importer, exporter et modifier ces fichiers xml importés.

Par exemple si vous créez un service monsoft.xml pour l’intégrer dans votre système vous devrez faire les commandes suivantes :

svccfg import /var/svc/manifest/monsoft.xml

Man de la commande Solaris svccfg


System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 svccfg - import, export, and modify service configurations

 /usr/sbin/svccfg [-v] [-s FMRI]

 /usr/sbin/svccfg [-v] [-s FMRI] subcommand [args]...

 /usr/sbin/svccfg [-v] [-s FMRI] -f command-file

 The svccfg command manipulates data in  the  service  confi-
 guration  repository.  svccfg  can be invoked interactively,
 with an individual subcommand, or by  specifying  a  command
 file that contains a series of subcommands.

 Changes made to an existing service in the repository  typi-
 cally  do  not  take  effect for that service until the next
 time the service instance is refreshed. See the refresh sub-
 command on the svcadm(1M) man page for more details.

 The following options are supported:

 -f command-file

 Reads and executes svccfg subcommands from command-file.

 -s FMRI

 Selects the entity indicated by FMRI (a fault management
 resource  identifier)  before executing any subcommands.
 See smf(5).



 Subcommands are divided into the categories specified in the
 subsections that follow.

All subcommands that accept FMRIs also accept abbreviated or
 globbed  patterns. Instances and services can be abbreviated

SunOS 5.11          Last change: 30 Jul 2010                    1

System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 by specifying the instance name, or the trailing portion  of
 the service name. For example, given the FMRI:


 All the following are valid abbreviations:


 While the following are invalid:


 Abbreviated forms of FMRIs are unstable, and should  not  be
 used  in  scripts  or  other  permanent  tools. If a pattern
 matches more than one instance or service, an error  message
 is printed and no action is taken.

 General Subcommands


 Exits immediately.

 repository repfile

 Uses repfile as a  repository.  By  default,  svccfg(1M)
 uses the system repository.

 Use repository only with files from the  identical  ver-
 sion   of  Solaris,  including  patches,  that  you  are
currently running. Do not use this subcommand  with  the
 system repository, /etc/svc/repository.db.

SunOS 5.11          Last change: 30 Jul 2010                    2

System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 set [-v|-V]

 Sets optional behavior. If no options are specified, set
 displays the options currently in effect.


 Turns on verbose mode.


 Turns off verbose mode.

 Service Profile Subcommands
 apply [-n] file | directory

 If a argument is a service profile, properties,  includ-
 ing  general/enabled, that are specified in the file are
 modified in the SMF repository. Not-yet-existent proper-
 ties  and  property  groups will be created. The type of
 the pre-existing property groups will not be changed  by
 the  profile. Existing properties (as distinguished from
 property groups) can have their type changed by the pro-

 If the type attribute of a property or property group is
 unspecified,  an  attempt  will be made to determine the
 type from existing type settings  or  from  the  service
 template. If a type cannot be determined, a warning will
 be presented and the service will be skipped  so  incon-
 sistent  data  will not be introduced into a service and
 instance.  Nonexistent  services   and   instances   are

 To use the relaxed element definitions in a profile, the
 following  definitions  need  to be added to the DOCTYPE

<!ENTITY % profile "INCLUDE">
 <!ENTITY % manifest "IGNORE">

 Services and instances modified by the profile  will  be
 refreshed.  If -n is specified, the profile is processed
 and no changes are applied to the  SMF  repository.  Any
 syntax  error  found  will  be reported on stderr and an
 exit code of 1  will  be  returned.  See  smf(5)  for  a
 description  of  service profiles. This command requires
 privileges to  modify  properties  in  the  service  and

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System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 instance.   See   smf_security(5)   for  the  privileges
 required to modify properties.

 If the argument to apply is a  directory,  all  profiles
 found  under  that  directory  tree  will get applied as
 described above. The subcommand  fails  if  a  specified
 file  or  any  file found under a specified directory is
 not a service profile.

 extract [> file]

 Prints a service profile which  represents  the  enabled
 status  of  the  service  instances in the repository to
 standard output. The output may be redirected to a file.

 Service Manifest Subcommands
 archive [-a]

 Dumps a full XML service description for  all  services,
 instances,  and their persistent properties in the repo-
 sitory. This does not include transient properties  such
 as  service  state,  and  is  suitable for a relocatable
 repository backup.

 Without the -a option, property groups  containing  pro-
 tected  information  (identified  by the presence of the
 read_authorization property-see smf_security(5)) will be
 archived  without  their  property  values.  When the -a
 option is specified, all values  will  be  archived.  An
 error  results  if  there are insufficient privileges to
read these values.

 export [-a] service_FMRI [>file]

 The service description for the  specified  service  and
 its   instances   is   written  to  standard  output  or
 redirected  to  the  given  file.  Dependencies  with  a
 boolean  "external"  property set to true are omitted in
 the belief that they were created on behalf  of  another

 Without the -a option, property groups  containing  pro-
 tected  information  (identified  by the presence of the
 read_authorization property-see smf_security(5)) will be
 exported  without  their  property  values.  When the -a
 option is specified, all values  will  be  archived.  An
 error  results  if  there are insufficient privileges to
 read these values.

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System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 Note that export requires a service FMRI. If you specify
 an  instance (including an abbreviation, such as apache2
 or sendmail, that specifies an  instance),  the  command

 import [-V] [file | directory]

 If a directory is supplied, for each manifest file found
 in  the  directory  tree,  the  service manifest file is
 imported as stated below. Only files with an .xml exten-
 sion  are  considered  for  import  when  a directory is

 If file is a service manifest,  then  the  services  and
 instances it specifies are imported into the repository.
 According to the file, dependencies may  be  created  in
 other  services. See smf(5) for a description of service
 manifests.  See  smf_security(5)  for   the   privileges
 required to create and modify service configurations.

 Services and instances in the manifest will be validated
 against  template  data  in the manifest and the reposi-
tory, and warnings will be issued for all template  vio-
 lations.  See  smf_template(5) for a description of tem-
 plates. If the -V option is  specified,  manifests  that
 violate  the  defined  templates will fail to import. In
 interactive invocations of svccfg,  -V  is  the  default

 For existing services and  instances,  properties  which
 have  not  changed  since  the  last import snapshot was
 taken are upgraded to those specified by  the  manifest.
 Conflicts  (properties  which  have been changed both in
 the repository and the manifest)  are  reported  on  the
 standard  error  stream.  svccfg  will never upgrade the
 "general/enabled"  and  "general/restarter"  properties,
 since they represent administrator preference.

 inventory file

 If file is determined to be a service manifest, then the
 FMRIs  of  the services and instances the file describes
 are  printed.  For  each  service,  the  FMRIs  of   its
 instances are displayed before the FMRI of the service.


 Restores the contents of the repository from a full  XML
 service  description  previously  created by the archive

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System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 subcommand. If the archive was generated without the use
 of the -a option, the contents of the repository follow-
 ing completion of  the  restore  will  not  include  the
 values    of    any   read-protected   properties   (see
 smf_security(5)). If these are required,  they  must  be
 restored manually.

 Restoring  an  archive  which   is   inconsistent   with
 currently installed software (including patch revisions)
 might yield unpredictable results. Therefore,  prior  to
 restoring   an   archive,  all  system  and  application
 software, including any  service  manifests,  should  be
 restored  to  the  same  state it was in at the time the
archive was made.

 validate [file | fmri]

 The validate subcommand can operate on a manifest  file,
 an  instance  FMRI,  or the current instance or snapshot
 entity selection. When an argument is specified,  svccfg
 will  check to see whether the specified file exists. If
 the file exists, it will be validated. If a file of  the
 specified  name  does not exist, the argument is treated
 as an FMRI pattern.  If  a  conflict  arises  between  a
 filename and an FMRI, use the svc: and file: prefixes to
 tell svccfg how to interpret the argument.

 When you specify a file, the  file  is  processed  in  a
 manner  similar to import -V, but no changes are made to
 the repository.  If  any  errors  are  detected,  svccfg
 displays  the  errors  and  exits  with  a  nonzero exit

 For an instance  fmri,  instance  entity  selection,  or
 snapshot entity selection, the specified instance in its
 composed form (see "Properties and Property  Groups"  in
 smf(5))  will  be validated against template data in the
 repository. Instance FMRIs and  instance  entity  selec-
 tions  use  the "running" snapshot for validation. Warn-
 ings will be issued for  all  template  violations.  See
 smf_template(5) for a description of templates.

 Entity Selection, Modification, and Navigation Subcommands
 An "entity" refers to a scope, service, or service instance.

 add name

 A new entity with the given name is created as  a  child
 of  the  current  selection. See smf_security(5) for the
 privileges required to create entities.

SunOS 5.11          Last change: 30 Jul 2010                    6

System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 delete [-f] {name | fmri}

 The named child of the current selection or  the  entity
specified by fmri is deleted. Attempts to delete service
 instances in the "online" or "degraded" state will  fail
 unless the -f flag is specified. If a service or service
 instance has  a  "dependents"  property  group  of  type
 "framework",  then  for each of its properties with type
 "astring" or "fmri", if the property has a single  value
 which  names  a  service  or  service  instance then the
 dependency property group in the  indicated  service  or
 service instance with the same name as the property will
 be  deleted.  See  smf_security(5)  for  the  privileges
 required to delete service configurations.

 list [pattern]

 The child entities of the current selection whose  names
 match  the  glob  pattern  pattern  are  displayed  (see
 fnmatch(5)). ':properties' is also listed for  property-
 bearing entities, namely services and service instances.

 select {name | fmri}

 If the argument names a child of the current  selection,
 it  becomes  the current selection. Otherwise, the argu-
 ment is interpreted as an FMRI and the entity  that  the
 argument specifies becomes the current selection.


 The parent of the current selection becomes the  current

 Property Inspection and Modification Subcommands
 addpg name type [flags]

 Adds a property group with the given name  and  type  to
 the  current  selection. flags is a string of characters
 which designates the flags with which to create the pro-
 perty  group.  'P'  represents SCF_PG_FLAG_NONPERSISTENT
 (see scf_service_add_pg(3SCF)). See smf_security(5)  for
 the privileges required to create property groups.

 addpropvalue pg/name [type:] value

 Adds the given value to a property. If type is given and

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System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 the  property  exists,  then if type does not agree with
 the property's type, the subcommand  fails.  The  values
 may be enclosed in double-quotes. String values contain-
 ing double-quotes or backslashes  must  be  enclosed  by
 double-quotes   and   the  contained  double-quotes  and
 backslashes must be quoted by  backslashes.  Nonexistent
 properties are created, in which case the type specifier
 must be present. See scf_value_create(3SCF) for  a  list
 of available property types. See smf_security(5) for the
 privileges required to modify properties. The new  value
 will  be  appended  to  the  end of the list of property
 values associated with the property.

 delpg name

 Deletes the property group name of  the  current  selec-
 tion. See smf_security(5) for the privileges required to
 delete property groups.

 delprop pg[/name]

 Deletes the named property  group  or  property  of  the
 current   selection.   See   smf_security(5)   for   the
 privileges required to delete properties.

 delpropvalue pg/name globpattern

 Deletes all values matching the given  glob  pattern  in
 the  named  property.  Succeeds even if no values match.
 See  smf_security(5)  for  the  privileges  required  to
 modify properties.

 describe [-v] [-t] [propertygroup/property]

 Describes either the current or the possible settings.

 When invoked without  arguments,  describe  gives  basic
 descriptions  (if  available)  of the currently selected
 entity and all of its currently set property groups  and
 properties. A property group or specific property can be
 queried by specifying either the property group name, or
the  property group name and property name, separated by
 a slash (/), as an argument.

 The -v option gives all information available, including
 descriptions  for  current  settings,  constraints,  and
 other possible setting choices.

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System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 The -t option shows  only  the  template  data  for  the
 selection  (see  smf_template(5)),  and does not display
 the current settings for property groups and properties.


 Comments of commands to reproduce  the  property  groups
 and  properties of the current selection are placed in a
 temporary file and  the  program  named  by  the  EDITOR
 environment variable is invoked to edit it. Upon comple-
 tion, the commands in the temporary file  are  executed.
 The default editor is vi(1). See smf_security(5) for the
 privileges required to create, modify, or delete proper-

 listpg [pattern]

 Displays the names, types, and flags of property  groups
 of the current selection. If an argument is given, it is
 taken as a glob pattern and only  property  groups  with
 names which match the argument are listed.

 In interactive mode, a basic description of the property
 groups is also given.

 listprop [pattern]

 Lists property groups  and  properties  of  the  current
 selection.  For property groups, names, types, and flags
 are listed. For properties, names (prepended by the pro-
 perty group name and a slash (/)), types, and values are
 listed. See scf_value_create(3SCF) for a list of  avail-
 able  property  types.  If an argument is supplied it is
 taken as a glob pattern and  only  property  groups  and
properties  with  names  which  match  the  argument are

 setenv [-i | -s] [-m method_name] envvar value

 Sets a method environment  variable  for  a  service  or
 instance  by  changing the "environment" property in the
 method_name property group, if that property  group  has
 type  "method".  If method_name is not specified and the
 -i option is used, the "method_context"  property  group
 is used, if an instance is currently selected. If the -s
 option is used and a service is currently selected,  its
 "method_context"  property  group  is  used.  If  the -s
 option is used and an instance  is  currently  selected,

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System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 the  "method_context"  property  group  of its parent is
 used. If neither the -i option  nor  the  -s  option  is
 used,  the "start" property group is searched for in the
 currently  selected  entity  and,  if  an  instance   is
 currently  selected, its parent is also searched. If the
 "inetd_start" property  group  is  not  located,  it  is
 searched for in a similar manner.

 Once the property is located,  all  values  which  begin
 with envvar followed by a "=" are removed, and the value
 "envvar=value" is added.  See  smf_security(5)  for  the
 privileges required to modify properties.

 setprop pg/name = [type:] value
 setprop pg/name = [type:] ([values ...])

 Sets the name property of the pg property group  of  the
 current  selection to the given values of type type. See
 scf_value_create(3SCF) for a list of available  property
 types.  If  the  property  already  exists  and the type
 disagrees with the existing type on  the  property,  the
 subcommand  fails.  Values  may  be  enclosed in double-
 quotes. String values  which  contain  double-quotes  or
 backslashes  must  be  enclosed by double-quotes and the
 contained double-quotes and backslashes must  be  quoted
 by backslashes. If the named property does not exist, it
is created, as  long  as  the  type  is  specified.  See
 smf_security(5) for the privileges required to create or
 modify properties. Multiple values will be stored in the
 order in which they are specified.

 unsetenv [-i | -s] [-m method_name] envvar value

 Removes a method environment variable for a  service  or
 instance  by  changing the "environment" property in the
 method_name property group, if that property  group  has
 type  "method".  If method_name is not specified and the
 -i option is used, the "method_context"  property  group
 is used, if an instance is currently selected. If the -s
 option is used and a service is currently selected,  its
 "method_context"  property  group  is  used.  If  the -s
 option is used and an instance  is  currently  selected,
 the  "method_context"  property  group  of its parent is
 used. If neither the -i option  nor  the  -s  option  is
 used,  the "start" property group is searched for in the
 currently  selected  entity  and,  if  an  instance   is
 currently  selected, its parent is also searched. If the
 "inetd_start" property  group  is  not  located,  it  is
 searched for in a similar manner.

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System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 Once the property is located,  all  values  which  begin
 with   envvar   followed   by   "="   are  removed.  See
 smf_security(5) for the privileges  required  to  modify

 Notification Parameters Subcommands
 setnotify {[-g] tset | class} notification_parameters

 Sets notifications parameters for  software  events  and
 Fault  Management  problem  lifecycle  events in the SMF


 Used to set system-wide notification parameters  for
 SMF state transition. See smf(5). These notification
 parameters are set in svc:/system/svc/global:default
regardless  of  any  svccfg  current selection. This
 subcommand refreshes all instances it modifies.


 Comma-separated  list  of  FMA  Event   classes   or
 aliases. See smf(5) Notification Parameters.


 Comma-separated list of SMF state  transitions.  See
 smf(5) Notification Parameters.


 URI format for each  notification  mechanism  imple-
 mented: For SMTP use:




 ...and for SNMP traps use:


SunOS 5.11          Last change: 30 Jul 2010                   11

System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 The  parameter   msg_template   defined   in   smtp-
 notify(1M)  can  be  set  as  a  header value in the
 mailto URI. For example:

 mailto:root@localhost?msg_template=<path to template file>

 SNMP traps are directed to the host  as  defined  by
 the      trapsink     directive     in     /etc/net-
 snmp/snmp/snmpd.conf or as  specified  by  the  SNMP
 trap notification daemon. See smtp-notify(1M).

 The notification  parameters  are  specific  to  the
 class  or  tset  specified and overwrite preexisting
notification parameters.  The  active/inactive  form
 does not overwrite previous notification parameters.
 It just switches on or off the notification  mechan-
 ism for the specified class or tset. Setting notifi-
 cation parameters implicitly sets them as active.

 listnotify [-g] [tset] | class

 Displays the existing notification  parameters  for  the
 specified class or tset. With the -g option, the notifi-
 cation parameters in svc:/system/svc/global:default  are
 displayed. If tset is omitted, all is implied.

 delnotify [-g] tset | class

 Delete the  existing  notification  parameters  for  the
 specified class or tset. With the -g option, the notifi-
 cation parameters in svc:/system/svc/global:default  are

 Snapshot Navigation and Selection Subcommands

 Displays snapshots available for the currently  selected

 revert [snapshot]

 Reverts  the  properties  of  the   currently   selected
 instance  and its service to those recorded in the named
 snapshot. If no argument is  given,  use  the  currently
 selected  snapshot  and  deselect  it  on  success.  The
 changed property values  can  be  made  active  via  the

SunOS 5.11          Last change: 30 Jul 2010                   12

System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 refresh  subcommand  of  svcadm(1M). See smf_security(5)
 for the privileges required to change properties.

 selectsnap [name]

 Changes the current snapshot to the one named  by  name.
 If no name is specified, deselect the currently selected
snapshot. Snapshots are read-only.

 Instance Subcommands

 Commit the values from the current configuration to  the
 running  snapshot,  making them available for use by the
 currently selected instance. If the  repository  subcom-
 mand  has  not  been used to select a repository, direct
 the instance's restarter to reread  the  updated  confi-

 Example 1 Importing a Service Description

 The following example imports a service description for  the
 seismic service in the XML manifest specified on the command

 # svccfg import /var/svc/manifest/site/seismic.xml

 Note that the manifest must follow the format  specified  in

 Example 2 Exporting a Service Description

 To export a service description on the local system:

 # svccfg export dumpadm >/tmp/dump.xml

 Example 3 Deleting a Service Instance

SunOS 5.11          Last change: 30 Jul 2010                   13

System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 To delete a service instance:

 # svccfg delete network/inetd-upgrade:default

 Example 4 Checking Properties in an Alternate Repository

 To examine the state of a service's properties after loading
 an  alternate repository, use the sequence of commands shown
 below. One might use such commands, for example,  to  deter-
mine  whether  a service was enabled in a particular reposi-
 tory backup.

 # svccfg
 svc:> repository /etc/svc/repository-boot
 svc:> select telnet:default
 svc:/network/telnet:default> listprop general/enabled
 general/enabled  boolean  false
 svc:/network/telnet:default> exit

 Example 5 Enabling Debugging

 To modify LD_PRELOAD for a start method and enable  the  use
 of libumem(3LIB) with debugging features active:

 $ svccfg -s system/service setenv LD_PRELOAD libumem.so
 $ svccfg -s system/service setenv UMEM_DEBUG default

 Example 6 Using describe Subcommand

 The following command illustrates the use  of  the  describe

 # svccfg -s console-login describe ttymon
 ttymon                      application
 ttymon/device               astring  /dev/console
 terminal device to be used for the console login prompt
 ttymon/label                astring  console
 appropriate entry from /etc/ttydefs

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System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 Example 7 Configuring Notification Preferences

 The following command  configures  notification  preferences
 for SMF service state transition events.

 # svccfg setnotify -g from-online,to-maintenance \

 Example 8 Enabling SNMP Notifications

The following command enables SNMP notifications  for  Fault
 Management events.

 # svccfg setnotify problem-diagnosed,problem-updated \
 mailto:admin@somehost.com snmp:

 Example 9 Listing Notification Settings

 The following command lists notification settings for  Fault
 Management events.

 # svccfg listnotify problem-diagnosed,problem-updated
 Event: problem-diagnosed
 Notification Type: smtp
 active: true
 to: admin@somehost.com
 Notification Type: snmp
 active: true

 Event: problem-updated
 Notification Type: smtp
 active: true
 to: admin@somehost.com
 Notification Type: snmp
 active: true


 The command to run when the editprop subcommand is used.

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System Administration Commands                         svccfg(1M)

 The default editor is vi(1).

 The following exit values are returned:


 Successful execution.


 One or more subcommands resulted in failure. Error  mes-
 sages are written to the standard error stream.


 Invalid command line options were specified.

 See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-

 |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
 | Availability                | SUNWcsu                     |
 | Interface Stability         | See below.                  |

 The interactive output is Uncommitted.  The  invocation  and
 non-interactive output are Committed.

 svcprop(1),    svcs(1),     smtp-notify(1M),     svcadm(1M),
 svc.configd(1M),         libscf(3LIB),        libumem(3LIB),
 scf_service_add_pg(3SCF),    scf_value_create(3SCF),    con-
 tract(4),   service_bundle(4),   attributes(5),  fnmatch(5),
 smf(5), smf_method(5), smf_security(5), smf_template(5)

SunOS 5.11          Last change: 30 Jul 2010                   16

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